24 Nov 2013

How to remove Black Spots from your Face

If you are tired of covering up black spots on your face with thick layers of makeup every time you go out, then this post is just for you. No expensive laser treatments, no meds, just pure home-made remedies. Read full post for your options...

13 Nov 2013

How does a Computer Clock Works

Do you ever wonder how a computer clock works? You shut down your computer and when you start it up again ever after a few days, you can count on the system clock. It gives you correct Date and Time information. Now, lets explore how it manages to stay live and why we don't have to update the clock every time we start the computer like we used to on our mobiles some years ago.computer-battery
Every personal computer contains two clocks: a built-in hardware clock and a virtual clock.

Get Rid of Dandruff naturally

Azadirachta indica  is also known as NeemNimtree,  and Indian Lilac
It  has the antiseptic property, which helps in getting rid of dandruff.
Procedure : 1) Add two handfuls of neem leaves to four to five cups of hot water.
2) Let it stand overnight. Next morning, strain the liquid and use it to rinse the hair.