24 Nov 2013

How to remove Black Spots from your Face

If you are tired of covering up black spots on your face with thick layers of makeup every time you go out, then this post is just for you. No expensive laser treatments, no meds, just pure home-made remedies. Read full post for your options...

13 Nov 2013

How does a Computer Clock Works

Do you ever wonder how a computer clock works? You shut down your computer and when you start it up again ever after a few days, you can count on the system clock. It gives you correct Date and Time information. Now, lets explore how it manages to stay live and why we don't have to update the clock every time we start the computer like we used to on our mobiles some years ago.computer-battery
Every personal computer contains two clocks: a built-in hardware clock and a virtual clock.

Get Rid of Dandruff naturally

Azadirachta indica  is also known as NeemNimtree,  and Indian Lilac
It  has the antiseptic property, which helps in getting rid of dandruff.
Procedure : 1) Add two handfuls of neem leaves to four to five cups of hot water.
2) Let it stand overnight. Next morning, strain the liquid and use it to rinse the hair.

23 Oct 2013

Make your New t-shirts vintage soft

soft tee
   New shirts, t-shirts could be quite uncomfortable          sometimes as compared to your vintage old shirt when it comes to smoothness or softness.
     But only a few know that we can turn them into super  comfy wears by using a simple trick. This idea is practiced  in Indian households from generation. What you need to  do is really simple. the things you need are :
 1) 1/2 cup of salt
 2)  some water ( just enough so that the garment is  submerged completely).
 Now, all you need to do is put salt into water and mix it  and then, put your dress/garment into it and keep it there  for almost 2-3 days.
 Its guaranteed that it will make the cloth super soft.

Miracle juice that kills cancer cells and cures several diseases

People often rush towards doctors to cure their diseases but sometimes home remedies are far more effective than expensive medicines that pose severe side effects  on the person.Today, I am going to share a home remedy for many diseases that has proved to be very effective and is  practiced from ancient times. You can find the ingredients easily at your home or nearby grocery store.

All you need is-
1) One beetroot
2) One carrot
3) One apple 

21 Oct 2013

How to Deal with Anxiety

What is anxiety ? 
We live a stressful life and often it interferes with our personal lives and mental and physical health. With stress, comes into play It’s normal to feel anxious when facing a challenging situation or fear, such as a job interview, a tough exam, or a blind date.
But if your worries and fears seem overwhelming and interfere with your daily life, like your heart starts pounding faster and you feel uneasy. Remember Tony Stark in Iron Man 3? When that kid says New York! These symptoms indicate that you might be suffering from an anxiety disorder. There are different types of anxiety disorders—and many effective treatments and self–help strategies. Once you understand your anxiety disorder, there are steps you can take to reduce your symptoms and regain control of your life.
If you follow below described steps, you might be able to shoo it away without spending huge money in medical clinics.

1 Oct 2013

How to make a Button Bowl

I saw Button Bowls first time on the 'pinterest'. Since then i wanted to make one for me and show off in my living room. At last, when now i have started blogging, i decided to share it with everyone who comes across my blog on the internet.