23 Oct 2013

Miracle juice that kills cancer cells and cures several diseases

People often rush towards doctors to cure their diseases but sometimes home remedies are far more effective than expensive medicines that pose severe side effects  on the person.Today, I am going to share a home remedy for many diseases that has proved to be very effective and is  practiced from ancient times. You can find the ingredients easily at your home or nearby grocery store.

All you need is-
1) One beetroot
2) One carrot
3) One apple 

Procedure:  Wash the beetroot,carrot and apple. Do not peel them. Cut into small pieces and put them into juicer. Drink that juice immediately to get best results.   You can add some lemon for taste if you want but do not add salt or sugar for taste. Be it natural.

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This juice  will be effective for following ailments:
1) Prevents cancer cells to develop. It restrains their growth.
2) Prevents liver,kidney, pancreatic diseases and can also cure ulcer as well.
3) Prevents heart attack  and high blood pressure.
4) Strengthens the lungs.
5) Good for eyesight,eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes.
6) Strengthens immune system.
7) Eliminate pain from physical training or muscle ache.
8) Removes bad breath due to indigestion,throat infection.
9) Prevents hay fever attack.
10) Detoxify,assist bowel regulation, eliminate constipation.  Skin becomes more clean, fresh, youthful and radiant.
11) Good for acne problems.
12) Helps in weight loss.
There are no side-effects for this juice as its ingredients are natural fruits and veg. It is also highly nutritious. Immune system also get stronger within very short time span.

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